Tuesday, May 29, 2012

May 21-24th

So I worked about 40 hours this week with the kids, so any downtime was spent sleeping or eating. Hence the reason this post is so late. Oops!

Monday: Well, the bathroom exploded, so we didn't do much of anything, but we did get supplies to being working on a fabulous summer mural! I had originally planned for W & DK to work on it, but DK just scribbled all over it & made W mad, so it's W's little masterpiece. [:

Tuesday: Happy Make an Instrument Day! We didn't really make instruments today, but we did make funny sounds with our mouths and tummies! [:

Wednesday: Happy Sea Turtle Day! Also, Happy Lucky Penny Day! Today, we headed to our local public library for storytime, made these neat sea turtles with plates & paper, ate delicious ice cream, and graced the world with a few extra lucky pennies on our way home!

Thursday: Happy Tiara Day, Morse Code Day, AND Brother's Day! I made easy tiaras out of pipe cleaners for DK and me to wear. They were a little itchy, so they didn't last long. DK helped me make a nice card for Brother's Day. W had a really hard time not peeking in on us while we were making it, though. He felt super left out until DK gave him the card, then all was well. [: We headed over to some friends' house for a playdate late morning/early afternoon and missed our nap time. Fortunately, the kids weren't total monsters until about 2pm. Once DK went down for a nap, W and I worked on some Morse Code in honor of Morse Code day! It was fun writing words out & seeing if W could decode them. [:

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