Sunday, May 29, 2011

Friday, Saturday, Sunday..………

Friday and Saturday were spent on-campus working to get ahead of where they were when we arrived. It was a pretty successful two days, minus a total lack of energy Friday, so a day of rest was self-implemented. So needed. Sometimes, your body knows exactly what it needs, and I needed the rest. Saturday, I met two guys from Alabama. One guy, Ken, was really interesting. I'd explain him more, but I'm bored of typing, so I'll just let you know that I admire his dedication to God's plan for him to help an show love to people around the world. "One more trip, just one more trip…"

Sunday, today, we had our service in the new church. Surprisingly, there weren't as many people in the church as we had expected. I figuredthere wouldn't really be room forbus, but there were some empty rows! We sang a few songs for them and Brent slowly gave a small sermon. Translated sermons are annoying. After the service, we distributed school supplies (total chaos) and met with the church board. It was beautiful. Ask me about it when my feet aren't the size of hot air balloons and I'm not coughing a lung up constantly. I promise the real story will be mch better than these posts. (:

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