Thursday, May 26, 2011

Haiti arrival
What a long day. We left Nashville at 940 in Port-au-Prince at 430. The airport isn't much of anything. You get off of your flight into a hallway, then you walk down the stairs to a bus, which takes you to the customs part of the airport. One Of the weird, eye-opening things at the airport was the sight of the old airport through the windows of the hallway. It's been totally abandoned and you can see into the windows where rubble has fallen and the earthquake made it totally unusable. Once we finally got through customs, which was very similar to the customs we went through in the Bahamas (many lines that lead to windows where they simply stamp your passport and tourist thing and let you go on through). The baggage claim was pretty similar, too, in that they simply throw everyone's bags into a giant pile and it's a total free-for-all. After we all found our super ridiculously heavy luggage, it was time to head to the campus! The drive was not very far, but the driving and traffic was so ridiculous that it took us an hour-plus to finally get to the school! When we arrived at the campus, a group from SNU was celebrating their final night in Haiti. Due to the long day of travel, I wasn't really up for the festivities, so I headed to 8. (: Luckily, this wonderful woman named Elise, who lives in the house we're staying at, made us a fabulous feast of Haitian food and wonderful fruit. 

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