Sunday, May 29, 2011


So, last night, the 25th, my tent-mate and I put on a shadow puppet show on the wall of our tent. If you disk know what was happening, the large crowd of boys surrounding our tent probably looked super suspicious. Also, I'm awesome an made a little man out of a paper just by ripping. I'm neat. (:

If you haven't noticed, my theme for these blogs has been a statement of where I've seen God through the course of my time here in Haiti. Each night, we've been encouraged to reflect on our days and who we've encountered and find God. The other night, some people in our group made a comment about seeing God in the work we were doing. They talked about funking about all of the Christians on this nation now and to come who will sit on that seat. Some others talked about the pulpit and how many sermons will be spoken from that spot. I really didn't think about it that way, until it was brought up by someone else, but it's definitely a good way to look at things. Well, in my own way today, I saw the further of God and this church through one thing, this short, snaggle-toothed man who has been at this church for 30 years. As we began to see the church finally coming together, I was on window paint duty, so I had a nice view of the inside of the church. As I'm working on the window, I watch as this small man takes a moment to look at this beautiful Hiuse of God that has been built for him and his ministry. He walks up to the front where his pulpit will be and looks out where his congregation will be seated, taking in the wonderfulness that will occur every Sunday morning. That is my place where I saw Gid that day, but trust me, there was so much God at this place, there are so many stories that could still be told.

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