Monday, May 16, 2011

nephews, slugs, and other such adventures.

Day Five- 
Today I had lunch with some pals at Cedar Hill Park. If you'd like to feel really depressed, head down to that park and see the lonely slide waiting to be replaced with some new equipment. I sure hope it's not plastic! Next on the schedule, was a trip to see the fabulous Morgan Wallace. He's up to 9lbs and he's doing pretty well. The hope is that he'll be at Vandy soon for his heart surgery. Maybe he'll be home and healthy by the time I get home from Cali! [: It was pretty rainy this afternoon, so as we arrived home, I found a friendly leopard slug. whoop whoop! He didn't have the little ear things, though, so I second guessed myself and may have thought he was a fish for a second. Don't judge. 

Day Six-
Today I did what my friend Avery and I do best, looked through old yearbooks! Somehow, we always end up looking at the yearbooks. It's funny how that happens. [: I was supposed to visit with a family that I usually spend quite a bit of time with in the summers, but our schedules didn't work out, so I guess I'll have to catch them the next time I'm in town. I'm hoping our inability to get together is simply bad planning, not a lack of desire to see one another. That would simply break my heart. 

Day Seven-
Church. Laundry at the best friend's house. Smoothies with one magnificent teacher, who means more and more to me every time we get together. Rapunzel with a cutie-pa-tootie! 

Day Eight-
TODAYISMONDAY. Mondays usually aren't that great, but this Monday, was wonderful! I spent the afternoon with a wonderful lady and her baby, then went for a bike ride with the best friend. I'd say that's a pretty good Monday, wouldn't you?


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