Sunday, May 15, 2011

It's Summertime and the Weather, humid, and rainy.

Well, this is my second go at the exact same blog. I made this thing at the beginning of the week, but it disappeared, so I'm having to start all over again. For the first week of summer, I'll do a little re-cap, so it's not terribly overwhelming:

Day One-
Today entailed spending $100 on three shots for Haiti and spending some time with wonderful friends from high school. We played this ridiculous game called Mars 2020. It's funny to think how different my groups of friends are. One group watches Jerry Springer and talks about all girl stuff, while the other group holds semi-intelligent conversations and plays board games that require actual knowledge to play. They're both great for their own reasons, but I wouldn't dare mix the two! [:

Day Two-
Hello, lazy day. Today I simply caught up on t.v. shows and lounged around the house. I did take a shower, though! [:

Day Three-
Today I baked with my best friend. We made delicious pineapple upside-down cupcakes! I also visited a family at church, while they were working on some homeschooling stuff. Oh, we attempted to make my favorite Mexican dish for dinner: chicken with peppers, onions, and delicious queso! It wasn't the same, but it was still pretty great.

Day Four- If you don't know me, then you wouldn't know that I absolutely adore tiny humans, or children as they're often referred to as. I think they're pretty fabulous, so here is Miss Delaney, who I spent the day with going to a park and the children's museum. Her little brother was with us, too, but he wouldn't sit still for a picture. I've been in quite a financial bind recently, so I've put an offer out to a lot of families asking if they need a sitter while I'm in town. Amazingly, I received three takers! For only being home a week-and-a-half, I sure made bank with these little gigs! I'm so very thankful for the wonderful people in my life who help me out and care about me. I really wouldn't be where I am today without their compassion and love.

I'll have to do a second post for days 5-7, because someone misplaced the camera cord and I'm unable to upload picture of my sweet nephew and the slug I found. [: Until then! Peace.

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